Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our Day

We started the day with a visit to Eliza's PNP to rule out an ear infection.  Thankfully, she does not have an ear infection.  But,  I figured every new mom needs to go in at least once with her perfectly-happy-but-just-a-bit-snotty-and-oh wait-did-she-just-pull-at-her-ear? baby to see if said happy, albeit ear-pulling baby has an ear infection.  Because, you know, kids get these things.  I've heard.

Later, we went downtown to have lunch with Eliza's aunt Kelly and her Grandma.  We ate at a fun - and DELICIOUS - shi shi Mexican restaurant and it was so nice outside that we decided to eat on the patio.  It was lovely, and the food was fabulous.  Then we went for iced decaf nonfat caramel macchiatos at S*bux where I nursed Eliza before putting her in the dreaded car seat (her relationship with the car seat has been dicey lately).

After her nap, we ran a few errands.  We went to the pet store to get cat food, where I introduced Eliza to the fishies!  Pets.Mart has a huge wall of fish tanks and since she was in the Ergo, she had a great, up-close view of the fish, and she was absolutely enthralled.  She stared and stared... it was so cute.  Perhaps there is a fish tank in our future?  Then we headed to the grocery store and to pick up dinner, she is such a trooper when we run errands, she just hangs out with mama (well, on mama :) and looks around.  Though it takes us a while because we can hardly make it through a store without multiple people commenting on how adorable/sweet/cute/precious/smiley/happy she is.  She definitely turns heads, that girl.  I'm one proud Mama.

And then it was home for dinner and bedtime.  Tonight we sang The Beatles' "Obladi Oblada" (wow that spelling looks funny), which is one of our recent favs (thanks mom!), before bath time and then to sleep.  It was a good day.

Oh, and then hubby and I did our nightly torture workout: Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

The End.

(wow have I gotten boring or what?!)


Jessie said...

Your kind of "boring" sounds lovely!

Alyssa said...

I'm very exited to have your kind of "boring"! Sounds like the perfect day.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited you guys started using the 30 Day Shred, it's incredible! Are you guys on level two yet?!

And I love knowing what you you guys are up to! It's never boring!

B MoM said...

not boring at all! =) Hey, I pulled a similar move to the doctors. Kaua had been sick for all of 4 days, and I thoght it was timeto callin the big guns...b/c he could have --gasp---bronchitis. nope, lungs all clear...just a nasty cold. We're supposed to let it run its course. Its been almost 2 weeks now and he's improving, but that darn cough and congestion is still there!

Eliza's Stats

Birth: 8 lbs 5 ozs
Going home: 7 lbs 10 ozs
5 days: 7 lbs 13 ozs
2 months: 12 lbs 6 ozs
4 months: 17 lbs
5 months: 18 lbs 12 ozs
6 months: 20 lbs 13 ozs
9 months: 24 lbs 3 ozs
12 months: 26 lbs 13 ozs
15 months: 28 lbs
18 months: 29 lbs 3 ozs
2 years: 32 lbs
3 years: 34 lbs

Alice's Stats

Birth: 8 lbs 11 oz
2 Months: 13 lbs 10 oz
4 Months: 17 lbs 15 oz
6 Months: 20 lbs 4 oz